Ok, so I know it isn't the traditional thing to do...put your kid in preschool at two years old. But, let me just tell ya that I did it! I put Jett in a 3-day, part day, preschool program.
He's been begging to climb aboard the "big, yella cheese wagon" since the day Jake and Jonah started riding it. Then he hears that his little friend next door goes to school...and she's three. Why then can't he go??? I was having a hard time telling him that he would have to wait three years to start kindergarten...cause you know he knows how long three years is!! :o)
So, I signed him up. He started today! He was so excited that he got to go to school today!! (although, he would have much rather stayed home and played with "dit-bit"...she's our neighbor...no, that's not her name...that's what Jett calls her)
We took the big boys to the bus stop first. Then, we ran inside to get Jett and Ninnie loaded into the truck. And we were off. Owl backpack and all!
He got a bit nervous on the way because he didn't have his "da-da". (sippy cup) I explained that he wasn't allowed to have a "da-da" at school. He would get to use a big boy cup. Don't worry, I assured him I would have it when I came to pick him up. "O-tay", he tells me....isn't that sweet!?
I wasn't as emotional as I thought I would be. I think having to get the stroller out and then get Ninnie in it and then get Jett's backpack on him and lock the truck and make sure I have the keys....notice I made sure I had the keys AFTER I locked the truck??? That's gotten me in trouble one too many times!!! Sorry Babe! :o)
I bet on Ninnie's first day of school I'll completely melt down. I will probably look much like the lady I saw SOBBING in the hallway at Jake and Jonah's school. She either locked her keys in the truck or just dropped her kindergartner off for the first day of school!!
Ninnie's the baby, afterall. My last one to take to school for their first day....but, I digress.
Jett walked right into his classroom, put his backpack in his cubby, went to wash his hands...on the way to the sink he found some Farm Animals, his favorite, and knew right were he was going when he finished hand washing.
He grabbed the horse first...you know it's his favorite!
He didn't even look up to tell me good-bye. *tear* But, I was ok with that, I knew he was ok with me leaving. I didn't want to dilly dally with the good-bye anyway, I had things to get done at home. I still have one baby to take care of. I'm good with him going to preschool. It'll be a good three hours of ME time! YAY!!! (do you hear me convincing myself?? I miss him....)
awww! He will love it!
Yay Jett!! What a big boy!
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