watching American Idol has become a wonderful to unwind every tuesday night.
i usually miss wednesday nights, better known as "who gets the boot night", since we go to church.
i leave it up to my twitter pals to fill me in...
but, on tuesday nights, IT. IS. ON.
i put the kids down a little early and settle in to my big comfy chair and prepare to become a critic.
not a simon type critic.
i find myself more of a ellen critic.
she has no music experience but knows what (or thinks she does) america wants.
i have no music experience.
my boys tell me to STOP!!! when i begin to sing.
but, i think i have a pretty good idea in what america would like for our next American Idol.
point in case, Kris Allen winning last season.
i SO knew he was the obvious winner!
i was SO happy that HE won.
tonight the battle was on to see who would be in the top 10.
the top 10 travel in the summer tour, you know?
even if they don't win it all they still have a future in music.
if only for a summer.
first up,
Lee DeWyze.
i like his sound!
i'm not sure his album is one i would buy...
but, he's good!
he totally needs to let lose and have some fun with it on stage!!!
show us fans that we WANTS to be there.
i pictured him in the top three last week.
this week?
i'm not so sure.
Paige Miles.
she sang take a look at me now by phil collins.
i think she's a cutie.
she is more of a woman than i wearing those heels.
she's struggled for the last couple of weeks while healing from a bout of laryngitis.
i think she has star quality...
tonight was NOT her night.
i hope america gives her another chance.
unfortunately, i think she sang her last song for AI tonight.
Tim Urban.
he sang crazy little thing called love by queen.
mmmmmm.....not too sure about his vocals.
his look?
he'll get the votes if only for his looks.
he's cute.
the tween girls are gonna love him!
but, i'm not feelin' it.
Aaron Kelly.
aaron sang i don't want to miss a thing by aerosmith.
i wasn't a fan of his in the beginning.
he's starting to win me over.
he's young at only 16.
boy, i feel old.
i don't think he'll make it to the top 3.
but, i sure hope he doesn't give up.
he's got serious potential!
Crystal Bowersox.
she sang bobby mcgee by janis joplin.
the judges said that they have heard others saying that she has a "janis sound".
she is good.
she is confident yet, shy.
does that make sense?
girl KNOWS she can sing....she just needs to open up.
embrace the american idol within her.
she's got it.
i predict her in the top three.
Michael Lynche.
when a man loves a woman by michael bolton.
ehh, i wasn't blown away.
i like him...
but, he's got some tough competition.
he needs to BRING IT next week.
Andrew Garcia.
i heard it through the grapevine by marvin gaye.
he did ok.
this was a hard night for most of the performers.
andrew was no exception.
he's good.
he wouldn't be there if he wasn't.
i just don't think he's quite there yet.
Katie Stevens.
big girls don't cry by fergie
my first favorite of the night.
she did a GREAT job!
i'm not diggin' the tshirt choice....
"a different Katie", cara said.
maybe that's why i took notice to her this week.
girlfriend did SUPER!
Casey James.
he sang the power of love by huey lewis.
if i closed my eyes it was like huey lewis was back behind the mike.
"the best vocal of the night", says ellen.
"you're ready to make an album", says cara.
simon says, "i don't know what you're talking about. no effort. no originality."
i'm with simon.
casey didn't take that song and make it his own.
but, he does have great sound.
Didi Benami.
she sang you're no good by linda rondstat.
she will have a record deal.
her album will find a place in my 6-disk cd changer.
she has a very relaxing sound.
the judges slammed her...
simon said "it's ironic that you sang 'you're no good, you're no good, you're no good"
why is he so mean????
i liked it!
Siobhan Magnus.
she sang superstition by stevey wonder
ok, she has been MY favorite since the beginning!!!!
and tonight she walked out on stage and WOWZA!!!
she looked AMAZING.
she ROCKED it.
she. is. so. good.
"you're voice has such a swagger to it", said miley cyrus (she was the mentor tonight).
simon said, "it wasn't a good night"
shut-up simon!
i'm totally predicting her to be in the top 2!
so, who will go home tomorrow night???
i say paige miles.
1 comment:
I totally agree with all of the above! Siobhan Magnus is amazing and she is definitely my fav too.
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