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Monday, October 4, 2010

quiet your mind...

the zac brown band says i should quiet my mind.
how can i quiet my mind with four children running in every direction?

yesterday i cleaned up more messes than i think i've cleaned up this whole deployment combined.

there was spilled milk,
spilled crystal light, both dry and liquid, on two very seperate occassions,
an entire box of spilled shell noodles,
pee on the floor (potty training at it's finest),
a bag or two of instant oatmeal scattered through the whole house,
spilled carnation instant breakfast, which is, again, a seperate occassion than the spilled milk,
monopoly pieces all. over. the. downstairs.

don't forget about the mess from breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
and dirty diapers.
and laundry...that is now a perfect mountain atop my couch.
and dishes. i never have a sink without dishes. never.

overwhelmed by His blessings.
that's me.
when i start to grumble tell my hubs all the wonderful happenings that occur here at home he reminds me that we are, indeed, blessed.

today as i was am still washing dishes, i'm listening to my most favorite recent purchase.
the zac brown band CD.
this band takes me back to the days when my dad used to take me with him to his friends house and they'd listen to the albums of lynyrd skynyrd, the alman brothers, and jimmy buffet.
the sound and style of this music will always be in my heart.
part of who i am.
the way i was raised.
it makes me think of my dad everytime i hear it.

ok, so i'm getting sappy and off point.
back on track now.

good 'ol zac says that we need to quiet our minds, soak it all in, it's a game you can't win, enjoy the ride.

next time i start to clean my 1,937th mess of the day, i will soak it all in (pun not intended), and enjoy my babies.
they won't make messes forever.
they will soon be all grown up.
my hubs will not be gone forever.
this deployment will soon end.
he will be home to help.

now, i have to get back to those dishes.
oh, and, the laundry that we are digging through for clean undies....


Kris said...

We like the ZBB too.

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I love Zac Brown Band!

I hope things are looking up for you. :)