i was specifically in search of fresh corn.
goodness knows i've got a ton of my own cucumbers and tomatoes!

look! some of the horses were taking in some shade.

she had a bunch of canned yummies.
i bought some bread and butter pickles.

she went out into the corn field, picked my corn right off of the stalk and brought it back in her apron.
love it.

i asked for six.
she graciously gave us seven.
and counted them with jett.
she was very sweet!

it's such a simple way of life.
simple and beautiful.

so, this next picture makes me laugh.

as we were driving away i noticed this wooden trunk in between the trash cans.
it was really a very neat trunk.
but, i wondered if it was trash or like an amish trash can.
what did i do?
i turned around and asked that sweet lady if she was throwing the trunk away.
she said "yes."
it's awesome!
and probably handmade.
and now mine!
totally off subject but, has your summer been as hot as mine?
it's sweltering out.
too miserable to go out in unless you absolutely have to.
what are some things to do with my kiddos for this last week before school starts???
That trunk is so cool! Where did you guys drive to?
I am dying with the heat. Forced ourselves to go to the splash park today just to get out.
So you got veggies & a trunk on your trip to the amish area, sounds like a great trip! I used to live by an amish community in Oklahoma, we never bought veggies from them, but they always had the best desserts, I'm amazed I was much skinnier back then!
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