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Saturday, October 6, 2012

iphone photo dump.

it's been far too long since i've shared my instagram shots here with you guys.

do you instagram?
i'm @jonahbonah.
come join the fun!

When our big boys misbehave we make them hold hands. Worst punishment EVER!!!!
{best way to punish my older boys? make them hold hands. in public. *insert evil laugh here*}

I love having a daughter. And it makes my heart happy that she loves my grandma's jewelry as much as I do. Although she never met her she will still know her through my stories!
{i love having a daughter. and it makes my heart happy that she loves my grandma's jewelry as much as i do. although she never met her she will still know her through my stories!}

{my boy has style.}

Good morning from my doughnut eating, stuffed puppy carrying Little Miss Matched!
{my girl does, too! *check out the mis-matched shoes*}

I love that he still holds my hand.
{he still holds my hand. *swoon*}

{homework with friends.}

Rise and shine, porcupine.
{again, love having a girl.}

Independent reading. {here to chaperone a field trip}
{i can't believe he's in second grade.}

This should help me get through the rest of this craptastic day! {it's a yummy cappuccino from @keurig #vue and @housepartyfun!}

Homework after cub scouts was a bad idea! #onehourpassedbedtimealready
{oh, are not a friend in our house. especially after cub scouts.}

Hangin' with this cute chick tonight.
{this girl specifically asked for japanese for dinner. next best thing? and she is none the wiser? chinese for dinner, it was!}

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