Each year I have good intentions to decorate my mantel and hang a heart-shaped wreath on the front door. Each year I peruse blogs for fun crafts. And each year I don't decorate my mantel or hang a heart-shaped wreath. Not this year! I vow to make at least one of the following crafts AND hang a wreath!
Below I've gathered nine lovely heart ideas that are perfect for anyone to recreate. Grab a chair, your latte and a notepad and pen to make a list of the supplies you'll need to get started!
/1/ LOVE Bowl - It has SPARKLES...need I say more?
/2/ Heart String Art - This could be a pretty mindless activity. Grab the needed supplies and park yourself in front of the TV. Catch up on The Bachelor. Or Downton Abbey. Whatever drama show is your vice.
/3/ Heart Pincushion - The sewist in me LOVES this craft. Make one for someone you love who sews!
/4/ Heart Pom-Pom Wreath - Did you make pom-poms when you were a kid? I did. A million of them! I would wind and wind the yarn around a piece of cardboard, tie it off and then trim the strands until it was a cute little pom. Now you can find a fancy pom-pom maker at the craft store for less than $10. Give this wreath a try today!
/5/ Red Heart Shaped Ice Cubes - Wouldn't it be fun to surprise the kids on Valentine's Day morning with these ice cubes? And the sprinkles trimmed glass? Be still my heart!
/6/ Heart Shaped Bookmark - SUUUUPEEERRR simple craft for the book lover in your life!
/7/ Burlap Valentine's Gift Bags - These would make great little bags to give small Valentine's treats to the neighbors, the mailman and your children's teachers. Fill them with candy or hot cocoa mix.
/8/ Lighted Marquee Heart - The tutorial for this marquee is amazing! Use it to make the pictured heart or a letter. Wouldn't one of these be a great addition to a child's room? I love it!
/9/ Heart Bokeh - As a photographer, I'm always looking for new ideas to take unique pictures. Heart bokeh? Yes, please!
Which of these heart-shaped crafts is calling your name? I'd love to see what you make! Will you share with me? I'm @jonahbonah on Instagram or leave me link to your blog in the comments.
Wanna see more great crafts with hearts?? Check out this post I wrote on BlissfullyDomestic.com.

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