Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Most Delicious Thanksgiving Side Dish Recipes

It's November 1st! Can you believe it? Have you bought your turkey yet? Do you also have ham on Thanksgiving? We have both ham and turkey. And, like I said, I tend to panic...and, in my panic, I forget things. 

This year, I am on it! I will not forget the whole cloves in my ham. [It's a sore subject for my ham loving husband, even one year later.] I will not buy pre-made pumpkin pie. I will make a double batch of green bean casserole, even if I am the only one who eats it. [The older I get, the more I appreciate leftovers.]

In an effort to help me prepare for Turkey Day, I scoured Pinterest for the yummiest side dishes for your Thanksgiving meal. Or, maybe you don't live near family, these yummy side dishes will be perfect for your Friendsgiving. 

Green Bean Casserole was yucky looking to me, when I was a kid. Now, I can't get enough. I double batch it, y'all! And eat leftovers for dayzzz.

My husband's Aunt Debby makes an amazing cream corn something every year. I've never asked for her recipe...maybe, because I'm too busy shoving it in my mouth. LOL In my search, I came across this recipe and it looks pretty similar.

This roll recipe had me at honey butter. Is there a combination more delicious? Well, there's green bean casserole, but I digress.

Mashed potatoes are quite possibly the easiest of all side dishes. But, if done improperly, they can also be the most boring. Will you look at all of that BUTTAH on top of these mashed potatoes?!?! I say, YES, PLEASE!

Here's yet another Thanksgiving side dish, that I turned my nose up to, as a kid. I certainly wonder what younger me was thinking...who the heck doesn't like marshmallow?!?! Now that I'm older and wiser *snicker*, I will gobble this up, and go back for seconds!

Since the day I married my husband and became a wife, I've been on the search for a creamy, cheesy, yummy macaroni and cheese. My sister-in-law makes a good mac 'n cheese, but she's tight-lipped on her recipe. So, to the Pinterest boards I went. And, I think I've found us a good one!

What is your most favorite side dishes for Thanksgiving? Tell me your favorite recipes in the comments, or share it with me on Pinterest.

If you're looking for a few Last Minute Thanksgiving Craft Ideas for Kids, I got you! If you make one [or two] of them, tag me. I'm @jonahbonah on all social media. 

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