He helped me pour the batter. I stepped away to throw that bag in the trash and I come back to him with his hands in the mix. "It's so soft Mommy!" (Don't tell Daddy teeny fingers were in his food!) Then Jonah began to stir as I added the eggs, water and oil.

So he stirred and he stirred.

...and then he started to get a little goofy!

And then he gave up! So we moved on to the electric mixer. He saw how easy that was and insisted he give it a whirl!

This child has so many faces I tell ya!!!! LOL
Sorry I don't have a picture of the finished product. I always start out with such great intentions for pictures for the blog and then I move on to something else. I call it MOMMY BRAIN!
What a nice mommy you are!
His expressions are too funny.
YUMMY can I lick the bowl! The blog looks GREAT!
MMMMM....I used to always lick the bowl. Now I'm too afraid with all the yuck of disease from raw eggs. (I still sneak in a lick but I wouldn't dare lick it clean like I used to!!!! LOL)
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