So, cast #2. BRIGHT orange. I begged Jonah to just get another green one. Nope. He wanted orange. Oh well. Pick your battles, right???
I had to share that little story and then post these pics. (These are for you Aunt Kris.) Jonah wanted to "sign" his cast after I did. I handed him the marker and watched him begin to draw. He drew one stick figure, with legs coming straight out of the head :o), and then another. When he was finished I asked who this was. "It's Mommy and Aunt Kris!" AWWWW!!! He's so sweet! He wanted to keep going and draw Jake and Jett and Daddy and Uncle Adam. Uh, no. Two stick figures, with legs coming straight out of the head, are plenty!!! :o) Notice he even put feet on them!!!!

How cute!! He gets his artistic abilities from mommy. ;-)
AWWWWWWW what a cutie! AND a bright color too!
Did you know you can get them waterproof? They just use a different lining... I had no idea and when we were on vacation I saw a kiddo swimming and had to ask the parent. She said it dries within 20 mins of getting it wet.
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