We stumbled, literally, upon Mr. Potato Head the other day while cleaning one of their rooms.
He sat on Jake's bed and put all of his peices and parts on...

And then he walked him out to the livingroom to watch "Hiss"...

I don't think Mr. PH will much mind his eyes coming out of his chin...or an ear popping out of his forehead...how about the tongue sticking out of his ear hole?? :o)
P.S. I know you're lovin' Jett's mismatched PJ's!!! (I've become a little more relaxed in wardrobe choices since having a fourth child! As long as they're dressed it's all good! Oh, and as long as we aren't going anywhere!!! Word?!)
I am so with you on the PJ's! I don't even fold them anymore. Put them right in the drawer and the kids pick whichever top and bottom they want. And I only have 2 kids! Word!
Word??? Too funny:0)
That's exactly like my kids' pj's.
My little one is way into the large lego building blocks right now!
By the way, I come here now sometimes just to listen to your playlist when I need a kick in the pants. :)
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