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Monday, March 16, 2009

C is for Caterpillar.

This time Jake Austin and I did some craftin'. We made Caterpillar C's. It was really nice to sit down and do something crafty with him instead of the same 'ol drill of schoolwork! He enjoyed a break from the norm too!

He and I took it one step further and wrote out a list of other words that begin with C.


Funny of the C words he called out to me was COCK. I started to laugh and said "No. We can't put that on there!" I then wondered where in the world he had heard such a thing!!! He looks at me and says "like cocking a gun Mom....why can't COCK be a word?" LOL Silly boy! And silly momma to have thought he was speaking of anything other than cocking a gun!!! (some of you are probably wondering why my 7 year old knows anything about cocking a gun....well, Daddy is in the Army!)

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