Holy Moly...they are goo-oood! And easy!! I'm thinking they're new, but the package doesn't indicate that....I just might be a little behind in the times...I do live on post and only have the commissary at my fingertips.

(You like that circa 1970's plate too?? Thrift Store, Baby!!! I ain't ashamed!)
Wanna know if the kiddos will like them??? I couldn't keep Jett away...he dug right in. Jake ate THREE!!!! (not pictured) I'm not so sure that's such a great idea for us gals trying to lose weight...but for my bean pole of a boy, it's just fine!!!!

Finger lickin' good ya'll!!

I almost forgot to mention...I forgot to add the icing packet that came with them. My kiddos did NOT even notice!
LOVE the plate! The turnovers don't look too bad either :-)
Yum...great pictures too.
You are hysterical. LOVE you!!
These Pillsbury Apple Turnovers are my FAVORITE!!! I like them without the icing and then they're not as fatting ~ right? I don't think they taste nearly as good as leftovers and warmed up a second time ~ but you don't have to worry about that since your boys like them.
My grocery store (publix) doesn't carry them ~ but found them at Wal-mart one day and was so excited. So I bought 4 boxes of them ~ guess that could explain the 5 extra pounds that appeared one day on my hips.
Think of you often and hope you're doing well. Admire you moving to a new city and the fact that you consider it such an adventure. AND your Hubby will be back before you know it. :)
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers..... love the new title of your Blog ~ it's perfect.
Bunny Hugs ~
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