i always get super excited when i get these...
it usually means an eager buyer needs a quick question answered before they hit commit to buy.
well, this time was a little different.
it was from a sweet momma who has a son who is considering joining the army.
ok, only soldiers say that.
it's not pretty coming outta my mouth.
let's just say i was SO excited to hear that her son was thinking of the army!!
but, then i realized she was wanting to know an army wife perspective on the army.
what should she expect.
any words that she may not have already been told.
from me?
i was flattered!
and then scared to answer cause what if i said something that turned her and her son away from choosing the army.
well, i'll let you read what i said.
these are my honest to goodness thoughts.
i think if you've been reading this blog for any length of time,
or even if only for the last three months,
then you'll guess what i told her.
Hi {future army momma}! (this isn't really how i began...i just didn't want to share her name)
Well, being an Army wife is a challenge. It's also a blessing.
Gosh, I'm searching for words...I think the one thing about being an Army wife that stands out the most to me is a great sense of pride in America. I don't think even the most proud American can truly feel the sense of pride an Army spouse/family member can feel. We stand apart from the rest of the country. We know the sacrifices made to make this country great. We understand the heartache of hearing our loved one say "I've got orders." We know more than ANYONE what it feels like to miss our soldier/spouse/family member for ONE WHOLE YEAR...and sometimes longer!
We, as Army spouses/family members, also see what the Army does for our loved one! I'm pretty sure my husband was a proud American before he joined the Army. (He comes from a long line of police officers) But, I think that being an American soldier has given him a deeper sense of pride. There's a glimmer of something special, sometimes even a tear, in his eyes when he hears The National Anthem. He enjoys the 4th of July more than anyone I've ever known. The Declaration of Independance has taken on a whole new meaning. These emotions are ones I, as an Army wife, will NEVER understand. It is only truly understood by the soldier, the one who stands on the "front line" for our freedoms.
Yes, some of all of this pride and understanding comes with age and a smidge of wisdom. However, it is my opinion that the Army has played a part. Even if only a small part.
I'm not sure I answered your question or even helped you in feeling better about your son's decision. I hope I did a little.
Will you tell your son that my husband and I are very proud of him thinking of becoming an American Soldier? I think he'll be glad he did!

I love you, Hubs!
Thank you for all you do for our family AND this country!!!!!
Thank you (to your husband and you) for all that you do for our country! My husband has been batting around the idea of becoming a Chaplin in the armed forces. However God has not called him there now. But it is not out of the question for the future. I appreciate that you shared this letter.
Melissa, from one Army Wife to Another....Well said my friend!!
I love you too Marie, and you are most welcome! < -hubs
aww...seriously, THANK YOU to your husband & you for all you do. this just made me tear up.
as for matilda jane & stains, i don't have any secrets. well, except that somehow my kids aren't very stain-prone. it definitely does cost more, but i've found that it last much longer, too. not only quality-wise, but because they can wear it so many different ways. [dress or tunic, pants or capris] =)
You and Hubby are one special family! Reading your blog gives me a warm heart and I think of you guys and all the military men and women out there!
That is so sweet!! She couldn't have come to a better person than you.
Beautiful. I am sure you answered her questions and more. WEll done and thank your husband again for my family. WE so appreciate the job he does.
Oh, Melissa Marie, you are so beautiful inside and out!!! Well written daughter!!! Well written!! Not only are we proud of Jake & all the service men & women, We & He should be so proud of you! Just beautiful, honey! God Bless You
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