what the heck is the matter with me?
i hope you don't think i've just been sitting around eating bon-bons.
sooo not the case!
life has not stopped in the last 14 days.
yep, my new year started off on december 31st...with a flat tire.
we were cruisin' along when POP!
i get out of the truck and heard pshhhhshshhshhsh......the tire deflated before my very eyes. laughing seemed my only option.

let me back up a few days.
i took my truck in for a much needed, just a little bit overdue oil change.
while there i asked the guy to check my battery. i had bought it from there within this last year and it wasn't giving me the power i feel i deserve in a key turn.
know what he tells me? this is not our battery.
so, the only explanation is that when i took my truck in to have the starter replaced the battery was either intentionally switched or it was an accident.
for the sake of the dramatic story i'm telling we'll go with it was STOLEN.
dun dun dun...
so, battery stolen.
what next, right?
i go strollin' through target. my most favorite place eva!
could something else seriously go wrong?
mmm hmm...and it did.
my phone was stolen!
for real. poof! gone.
i retrace my steps.
{which was all over the store....cause when i'm in there i'm like an over stimualted preschooler. i bounce from aisle to aisle and back again.}
the phone, and my brand new otterbox were forever gone.
never to be seen again.
sad day.

{new phone...YAY!}
ok...i hear ya. enough with the sob story.
life goes on.
batteries can be replaced.
iphones and otterboxes can be replaced.
flat tires can be replaced.

but, there's more.
did i mention ALL of this happened on my {flipping!} christmas vacay in florida?
may i add that this sort of nonsense NEVER happens when my soldier is home.
only will this amount of ridiculousness happen on the last leg of a year long deployment.
this army wife is tired. very tired.
i need pampering.
i need attention.
i need my hubs' lovin'.
i need....a hot shower.

backing up to before i backed up...
after a long day on the road i stopped at the first holiday inn express my tired eyes could see.
we pile in to our beds and crashed.
at 9am the next morning i jumped into the shower hoping to wake myself up enough to finish our journey.
and.....there was no hot water.
fun times.
surely, that's the end of my saga.
if i could have kissed the ground when i pulled into my driveway without the neighbors thinking i was nuts i would have!
i was more than excited to finally be home!
the kids run inside and run right back out.
praise the lord this all happened BEFORE 2011!
i'm looking forward to a very uneventful year.
i have so much more of the first few days of 2011 to share...i just need to catch a breath from re-hashing december 31 out!
1 comment:
Thank goodness that all happened in 2010. Here's to a uneventful 2011!
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