it has been a crazy busy, crazy nutty, crazy sick week!
would you like to see a glimpse of what i mean?
don't mind if i do...instagram style.

we had pizza for lunch after church.

this girl fell asleep on the couch.
i should have known by this act {she NEVER falls asleep on the couch} that something more was up...keep reading.

sonic happy hour.
it sure makes me happy!

we ate the pioneer woman's sour cream noodle bake for dinner. every last bite.

we had severe weather last night as we slept.
our neighborhood woke up to lots of trees uprooted and limbs in the streets.
God had his hand over all of us.
we were sound asleep on the second floor...had the tornado touched down it could have been much worse than uprooted trees.

diesel climbed up in the chair to watch a movie with the kiddos.
naughty doggie. he's not supposed to be on the furniture.

i complain and complain about a sink full of dirty dishes.
it donned on me that without my large, healthy family i wouldn't have any dirty dishes.
so, i haven't grumbled about doing the dishes since.
praise the Lord for dirty dishes!
and here's where my week gets sick.
we went to an easter eggstravaganza today on post.
jake said he didn't feel good before we left.
we went anyway.
he literally layed on the ground while the little ones waited in line for the bounce house.
shortly after, we left.
fast forward to tuesday evening...

doesn't he look pitiful?
i took him to urgent care with a fever and a nasty cough.
doc said his strep test was glowing.

so, not bad odds...one kiddo out of four has strep throat.
i wish i could say it stayed that way.
as soon as i walked through the door from taking jake to the urgent care hubs said jonah has a high fever and i might as well take jonah and jett.
so, off we go to the urgent care...again.

jonah felt horrible.
he was hot.
and tired.
you guessed it.
jonah and jett also BOTH have strep throat.
{the doc went ahead and gave me an antibiotic to be on the safe side}

four out of six of us are on anitibiotics for the next ten days. three times a day.

it's like pulling teeth trying to get an extra dropper out of the walmart pharmacy.
look at how generous the army hospital was.
and i didn't even have to ask!
are you still with me???
you're tired aren't you?
well, me too!
remember, i've lived this little {long} story i'm telling.

jett is a trooper when it comes to taking medicine.
as long as he can do it himself...

hubs doing his school work.
this man never stops.
can i just say that he's in air assault school, college full time, and he's an amazing daddy and husband.
ok, i'll stop braggin' on him.
{love you, babe}
the brightest spot in my week thus far???

cupcakes made by the fabulous jamie.
{she's going to love that she gets a mention on this here blog o'mine.}
these cupcakes aren't just amazing looking.
and almost too pretty to eat.
they taste yummy too!
hubs gobbled his down at lunch...even when i told him he would be getting no dessert after dinner if he did.
{thank you, jamie!!!!!}
i promise i'm almost done.
at least i hope there are no more surprises in my week.
guess who woke up with a fever today???
yep, mckinley.

she seemed fine when we got to the doctor.
and she tested negative for strep.
thank goodness.
the fever may just be a bug forming.
and that's it.
my {crazy!!!!!!} week in instagram photos.
wanna share yours??
link up with jeannett over at life.rearranged.
oh, i forgot to mention that this was spring break for my big boys.
stinks to spend spring break with strep...

My 13 month old is sitting on my lap, & started signing 'dog' when he saw the picture. :-) Hope your littles feel better. :-(
yes i do love the honorable mention!! i will be baking again today chocolate with vanilla, for my fave test family!!
What a gorgeous family you have...even if they are sick. Hope everyone feels better soon so you can have a happy Easter!
Oh my goodness! What a week.
I hate hearing that you've all be sick, but I really love reading about your life.
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