the kids were up at the crack of dawn.
hubs made breakfast.
i picked up friday nights movie mess.
but, this morning was different cause there was nothing on the agenda.
no super saturday.
no birthday party.
hubs was off work.
nothing on the agenda.
being that we
so we did.

a best buy vending machine.

this is easily one of my favorite pics this year.

jett and i played a little air hockey in the over-priced arcade.

6,000+ panes of glass. wow.

mckinley calls horses he-he's.
it's too cute to correct.
here's almost all our kiddos with the country hoedown he-he's.

so random.

stax was surprisingly yummy!
and we satisfied a family of six on TWO burgers!
that's right, folks.
only $25 for our whole family to eat out in nashville!

all my handsome boys.
bass pro shops was the next stop on our spontaneous adventure.

look who was there?
davie crocket.

we picked up a few gifts, a couple pair of boys boots, and a couple tees for princess mckinley cause daddy hasn't learned to say "no."
what did you do today?
I love that fountain and raccoon hat!!!
Davie Crocket! lol Jake usually runs from the camera. what happening??
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