one day you're headed to the hospital, so ready to bring a new little one in to your life.
then, you're wishing the sleepless nights will let up long enough for you to send the bags under your eyes packin'.
before you know it, she's telling you "no!" and then you can't remember why you were so excited for her to start talking.
but, seriously...
she's THREE!
mckinley is three.
i have no more babies in diapers.
{she's been potty trained since the ripe old age of 26 months. thanks, daddy!}
no more getting up in the middle of the night to nurse.
{as much as i love my sleep, i also LOVED nursing my babies. such a sweet sweet time}
no more diaper bags.
no more strollers.
ay, ay, ay!
i'm making it sound as if i miss it.
ok, i kinda do.
some days i feel like i've got one more baby to meet.
and other days i feel so very content with what the Lord has blessed us with.
four beautiful babies...and one more waiting for us in heaven.
happy birthday, mckinley rose.
you are momma and daddy's princess!

my oh so amazing friend, jamie, made cake pops for the party.
the girls insisted on digging into this cake before chowing down on a cake pop. or two.

present time!!!

mckinley got a make-up set from ganny.
emma, tally, and mckinley headed straight up stairs to play dress-up.
{man, i love having a girl!!!}

1 comment:
Looks like she had a great time. Wish we could have been there. <3
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