how about with an apology for completely ditching you all.
i'm sorry i haven't posted in weeks.
bad blogger!
i will do better.
i can give you a good reason why i was gone for at least five of those days.
if you've ever even thought for two seconds about whether or not blissdom is for you, think no further.
it's for every blogger, social media lover, photographer, chatty gal, nice person, etc.
{no mean people allowed.}
for three years i've day-dreamt of joining the hundreds of bloggers that go to the gaylord opryland hotel in nashville, tn.
my dream came true when the beautiful alli worthington asked me to join her team of blissdom photographers.
i was over the moon excited.
and scared.
and nervous.
what do i wear?
what should i bring?
who will i meet?
will i be good enough?
will they like me?
us girls all have those little insecurities about us, don't we?
once i got sitter arrangements made, a new outfit or two, hotel reservations, and a kiss good-bye from the hubs, i was off to spend five days in the {almost} unknown.
what i did know...
i knew alli was sweet.
i knew i'd be staying in a luxurious hotel.
i knew i'd be eating good food.
and i knew i'd meet lots of women i
blissdom, here i come!!!
{i'll share a few pics in each post for the next few days so i don't overwhelm you!}
day one:
photo walk with lotus carroll.
she's lovely and talented and sweet and i wish i could have picked her photographer brain for hours.
here are a few of my shots around the beautiful opryland resort.

a few new friends...

{left to right- bridget of the ivey league, ??? -let me know who this beautifyl lady is so i can link to her-, heather of domestic extraordinaire, and kat of sassy irish lassie}

and, i met one of my fellow instagrammers!
hi, shan!!! it was SO nice meeting you!

next up, the official kick-off reception - sponsored by babble.
and my first celebrity sighting of the weekend.
nathan pacheco.

by the end of this evening i was ready to CRASH into my bed.
while the whole day was amazing...every second of it...i was not prepared for all the awesomeness overload.
this momma was T I R E D.
tomorrow brings jon acuff, joe jonas, the rascal flatts, alli worthington, and so much more!
stay tuned.
1 comment:
Look at those awesome photos, girl! I am extremely happy we met on Instagram! Better yet, I'm even happier to have met you in person my dear friend. What a wonderful opportunity for you to be on the photo staff at BlissDom! Meeting you was one of the highlights of my time there. :D Love & Hugs!
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