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Saturday, October 12, 2013

cub scout cuboree

we are in full swing of our second year of cub scouts. well, jonah is {and i am} in his second year and jett is in his first year.

this year we made it to the cuboree. we missed it last year cause...well, i don't remember why. but, i was determined to not miss it this year.

this is the only event our boys can earn their bb gun and archery belt loops. i just didn't want to miss it for a second year.

Two out of five shots hit the target. Watch out, y'all!
he hit the target two out of five shots. i may have a sharp-shooter on my hands!

jonah {far right} with all of his webelo buddies! these boys are all so good with one another. i pray they grow up in scouts together!

At the Cub Scout Cuboree with his friend. | Jett had so much fun today! The outdoors is HIS element. #cubscouts
jett and his new bud. {i love how these boys all become like third, fourth and fifth sons. the boys in my boys pack are all like my kids, too!}

Dinner at camp. You guys, @fugetaboutitdesigns makes dinnertime {and lunch and breakfast} amazing when we camp! I couldn't camp this time {I just went for the day today} but we ate taco salad for dinner...whoa! I might have eaten too much! Thank you, Cole
dinner. you guys, i just love the cub master's wife/my friend, coleen! she prepares all this yummy food for every campout. and, yum! that's all i can say. thank you, coleen for dinner!

cub scouts, y'all. i love it. i love that my boys love it. i love going and having adult conversation with my girls {the other moms} on thursday nights. i love camping with my boys. i love, love, love it all.

do your boys participate in scouts? what's your favorite part? got any tips? special camping recipes? i need deets. tell me. :o)

{there aren't too many pics cause i had mabry as a tagalong. when the boys were doing their activities i was either helping cook lunch and dinner or i was nursing. a momma's duty is never done.}

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