don't misunderstand. i love that my sewing has been such a blessing. and i really love to sew. and my husband does an amazing job of maintaining the kids and the house. heck, this house has more order in it now that he's in charge of the day to day routine. {it's the military roots, ya know.} but, a man's heart is providing for his family. bringing home the bacon. going to work and feeling a sense of purpose every day. it's just how they're wired.
oh, i'll still be sewing. i think now that i know what i'm capable of {and hubs is aware of it as well} i won't be able to stop the pace i've set. i enjoy it too much. i love being able to put fabrics together to create something that so many of you love. it's rewarding. fulfilling. it makes my heart happy.
thank you for making my heart happy in this trying time we're going through. i thank God for each and every one of you!
i've got pictures to share. lots of pictures. ready?

my two cub scouts selling popcorn. so proud of them!

even in my trials. even in the hard times. i will worship.

i'm so glad i get to do life with him. to see how he loves his children is a treat.

i ran a solid mile for the first time in 9+ months. it needs to happen more often. and it will.

my make-shift office for the day. i had a bunch of halloween totes to sew and i didn't want to be confined to my usual studio. i moved to the living room so i could have tv and lots of light!

mr bobby and mrs kathy came to visit miss mabry. and they went to church with us. i love it when we go to church with friends or family.

dinner with uncle adam and aunt kris = "tousin" time!!! oh, nat and no, we love you guys so much!!!

my best friend, tera had her baby. luke gordon came almost seven weeks early and scared the daylights out of me {and i know his momma and daddy} but he's here and he's healthy. as a matter of fact, i talked to her today and he is going home MUCH sooner than the doctors originally anticipated. PRAISE GOD!!!

mckinley had a birthday party to go to last week. it was monster high themed and since that's kind of halloween-ish and in october there were halloween-ish games. so fun! in this game mckinley was dressed as a mummy. the best mummy won. {happy birthday, zoe!}

oh, how i hate hate hate matching socks. that's why i have jake do it. :o)

mabry loves to be held. when i posted this picture on instagram i told a short story...once upon a time there was a wee princess that cried and cried. when her momma picked her up she was happy and she slept. the end. it's the absolute truth. {a couple of you asked if i had a sling or wrap. i do. i have an ergo that one of my followers so graciously sent me. AND i just spoke to a gal who makes wraps that it is going to send me one for review. i can't wait to share it with you all!!}
well, that's the last two weeks in a nutshell. not too exciting, but pretty amazing. time spent at home with my people. and with God. i just can't ask for a whole lot more than that. {other than maybe a J O B for the hubs. we know it's God's timing, though. we KNOW that.}

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