Look what we saw on the way...

I think Disney put that guy in the sky as a subliminal message. What do you think??? (FYI...I didn't take my eyes off the road to get this picture.)
We stopped at Steak 'N Shake for a little grub. I was told TWICE while eating that I had very well behaved children. HA! I've got them fooled!!! :o) Seriously, Jake and Jonah were VERY well behaved while in the restaurant. I was a super proud momma that day!
This is Jonah in his Milkshake Man hat!! He's so funny. Look at him...milkshake AND soda in hand. You can just imagine how I had his two cups, Jake's two cups and my one cup all situated with only TWO cup holders. Daddy would have had a fit!

We finally got there...everyone was tired and ready to get out of the truck and run around. In about 3 days we went to the pool, ate at the T-Rex restaurant in Downtown Disney, stuffed Dino's at T-Rex, went to see Medieval Times, had a birthday celebration for Papa...I'm tired just telling you what all we did. It was a long few days!
These goggles were a lost cause...Jake and Jonah insisted on wearing them...so I TIED the strap back on to them so they could wear them. Jonah wore them the most. We got quite a few laughs out of it. Look at how tight they are on his face!!! He didn't seem to care one bit. He loved that he could see UNDER the water!

Look at the line to get into this place!!! Make sure you call ahead for Priority Seating. It'll save you a bundle of time! (see Jonah seated in there??? I told him to go get in front of it so I could take his picture....he went and sat RIGHT in the middle if the walkway. Crazy nut!)

This was inside the restaurant...I know you can't see much....but, this place was decorated in every nook and cranny!

Here's the boys holding their lifeless Dino's... (Jake Austin changed Dino's about 15 times before we got to the stuffing machine...so this is not the final Dino he took home)

I just love this picture. The man told Jonah to give his Dino a big hug to make sure he was squishy enough....look at his sweet face!!!

Of course, every Dino MUST have his first Dino bath!

All boxed up (in their Dino homes) and ready to go! THANK GOODNESS!!! That place was a mad house!

Thank you Grandma and Papa for a few days FILLED with FUN!
Looks like you guys had a lot of FUN!!
Ohmygoodness! I'm so jealous!!
We are planning another trip to Disney in October. But you'll be gone to KY by then. :(
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