jake: I'm going to write a letter for Mrs. Kimsey.
me: What will you write?
jake: Dear Mrs. Kimsey, You are the best teacher because you make me smart.
me: She's going to really like that! Are you behaving better in school.
jake: yeah
me: Have you gotten in trouble lately?
jake: No. But there's this kid, M, he cries alot.
me: Maybe he just needs a good friend.
jake: No, he just wants to sit on the couch or on a cushion to read and we have to sit at our desks. It isn't that bad. (so matter of fact)
short pause.
jake: Should I put in the letter that I love her?
me: Do you love her?
jake: a little...
me: Well, that would be nice.
jake: Should I say I love you a little???
me: NO!!!
I am laughing so hard right now as I type this...Jake's asking me if someone on the computer is saying something funny!! :o)
and just because, in my book, no post is complete without pictures...I found this cutie on my phone!!

now I'm trying to figure out why he had MY phone in HIS room...
That is so cute. Love the picture too. My daughter takes my phone and changes everything in it. She changed my ring tone once to the three of them singing Christmas carols and it started ringing and I thought someone was outside my door caroling. LOL
Ha-ha!! He loves his teacher a little...that is precious!!
Haha! Kids are so funny.
My son also loved his teacher, Mrs. Mclenahan. (Cora's mommy) He would say, "I like the look of her". ?? It was his way of saying she's pretty.
He really wanted to marry her, but she was already married and he was very diappointed.
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